Welcome to our student services page.
Please select the course you are currently enrolled in from the following options.
Australian Polytechnic Institute (AuPI) is a nationally accredited education provider in Australia (RTO Code: 45820). We meticulously select and offer a narrow range of courses exceedingly desirable in the current job market globally. Our learning approaches are pragmatic and designed to foster the application of knowledge, workplace skills, and job readiness. AuPI will ensure learning outcomes with the real-world skills you need for a successful career. This philosophy is our motto of being "Future Your Career with AuPI".
ICT 50220 Diploma of IT - Cyber Security & Advanced Networking
Pre Enrolment Pack
Fees & Charges - DIT (onshore)
Forms & Templates
Course Cancellation Request Form
Policy & Process
POL-AuPI-RPL and Credit Transfer Policy
PRO-AuPI-Credit Transfer Procedure
POL-AuPI-Fee Administration and Refund Policy
POL-AuPI-Complaints and Appeals Policy
POL-AuPI-Continuous Improvement Policy
PRO-AuPI-Continuous Improvement Procedure
POL-AuPI-Training and Assessment Policy
POL-AuPI-Additional Support Policy
PRO-AuPI-Additional Support Procedure
POL-AuPI-Certificate Issuance Policy
PRO-AuPI-Certificate Issuance Procedure
POL-AuPI-Reporting and record management policy
PRO-AuPI-Record Management Procedure
POL-AuPI-Competency-based assessment Policy
PRO-AuPI-Professional Development Procedure
POL-AuPI-Industry Engagement Policy
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Please let us know if you have any queries. Fill in the form and click submit. One of our student services team members will contact you soon. Alternatively, you can book a one-on-one meeting by clicking 'Book a meeting' here.


24/7 Virtual IT Lab

Workplace Ready Skills

One-on-one Consultation

Study Anytime-Anywhere

On Any Device

Simple Course Structure

Learn From Industry

Trainer-led Small Class